D.P. Season2 (DP) Review, Jung Haein and Koo Kyohwan, Moon Sanghoon’s overwhelming performance, Netflix vs Disney Plus

I was angry the whole time I watched the Netflix original D.P. Season2, which got heavier and darker. I had to drink soju because I felt sorry for the main characters. Season1 was great, but DP season2 was also touching and heartbreaking. Especially, Moon Sanghoon, who plays Kim Ruri. The overwhelming appearance of the work was unbelievable and too intense to be called a comedian. I was able to completely immerse myself in the work from the beginning. I’m also looking forward to a showdown with Disney Plus’s anticipated movie “Moving”, which will be released in a few days.



The image above was an unforgettable scene while watching D.P. Season2, and actor Choi Jongwon’s words below had many meanings.

Hasn’t anything changed in 50 years?

He was also a deserter. That was 50 years ago, too.



D.P. Season2 Review

In the last article, we introduced the anticipated story of season2 and the performance of the cast based on the preview of D.P. Season2.

For the viewers who love D.★P, we will boldly review D.P. Season2 but try to avoid spoilers as much as possible.

Still recurring absurdity within the military

Season 1 D.P. Season2, which deals with violence and absurdity in the military that has not changed even after the Cho Seokbong incident, is not just a few stories, but a daily story that was prevalent among all soldiers.


It is a story that reflects the reality of the military, which uses the specificity of the military, where discipline and hierarchy are life, to justify class violence unconditionally and to silence the violence. It’s like the age of slavery, the age of feudalism.

A war of nerves between those who try to dig and hide according to their interests in the process of handling a case. Even when the death of a colleague is more clearly revealed, the wrong group selfishness of Korean society, which is manipulated for the benefit of the organization, is clearly revealed in D.P. Season2.



Private Kim Luri trying to pull out the safety pin

It was such a heartbreaking episode. It was an episode that had to be carried out at the beginning of the drama because it was linked to the last scene of season 1, but the intensity was not forgotten throughout the whole time I watched the work. This proves that the acting skills of actor Moon Sanghoon, who plays the role of Kim Ruri, and the directing skills of the production team were great. I’m sure it’s the best episode to remember D.P. Season2.


More importantly, it leads to episode 5, but since it’s a powerful spoiler, I’ll refrain from further information leakage.

Shin Ahhwui wails with a bloody face

Shin Ahhwui had no senior soldier, so he was in the rank of private, but he was lucky to serve as a squad leader.

However, there was a slight conflict with Sergeant Ha Joongseok, who was a deputy GP platoon leader, and he was involved in an incident with him. At that time, the sergeant was a soldier who applied as a professional soldier, so there was a power struggle between the senior soldier and the new sergeant.


Ha Joongseok is in an accident, and all suspicions are focused on Shin Ahhwui, who was the only one at the scene with him.

But Shin Ahhwui was only a private class at the time.



Jang Sungmin from “Drag Artist”

It was as expected from the preview, and in the third episode, he was the main character who stabbed Han Hyoyeol in the past.


Jang Sungmin, who escaped from the military a long time ago after suffering from sexual harassment with a pretty face, works as a drag artist in Itaewon and lives in seclusion. However, when Han Hyoyeol was caught, he unintentionally hurt Hyoyeol with a knife and ran away again. Eventually, his traces are found and he is chased again by the D.P. group, but he is about to leave Korea after completely changing his identity.


In season1, Ahn Joonho had to overcome all unreasonable situations helplessly, but in season2, the struggle to break the silence creates a reversal.


No one has the courage to abandon the bystander’s position in the reality that irrationality and class violence under the guise of collective understanding are taken for granted. It was an unanswered question and an unwinnable fight, so everyone was silent and compromised on absurdity, but the result resulted in another absurdity.


To be no longer silent, to make sure that powerless individuals are no longer harmed, and not to be pieces of glass shattered by unilateral violence, Ahn Junho vowed to become a solid rock that can protect everyone. Ahn Junho’s desperate struggle to prevent further meaningless tragedies marked the end of D.P. Season2.


I can’t get out of my head of fancy and touching moments. I was impressed by the action performances of actors who didn’t take care of themselves, especially Jung Seokyong’s passionate performance that could kick the air even at the age of his mid-50s.




I couldn’t take my eyes off the series of twists, D.★P. Season2. I was so angry at the end, but I can’t help it. Because that’s the reality of Korea.


In the end, D.★P. Season2 was a struggle of the main characters to escape from the life of the bystander, and the process of worry, conflict, and action was so touching to him, but in the end, it was all just an individual struggle.

Because the state, which is a larger group than the army, which is the largest bystander, is holding out.

They asked the following question.


“If violence and absurdity in the military are only a matter for some minorities,
And if the resulting departure from the military is regarded as a simple individual deviation,
Can this country really be free from this problem without any responsibility?”


“Youths who fulfill their national defense obligations at the call of the state.
If the state does not protect their safety,
What should they devote themselves to their country for!”


As Ahn Junho said, this is the beginning.

If you hit a rock with an egg, of course, the egg breaks, but eventually there is a trace of the broken egg on the rock. The traces give the hammer the power to gather and eventually break down a large rock that was unlikely to break.

D.P. Season2의-안준호와-한효열

I wonder how D.★P. Season2, which created another heartbreaking topic following season 1, will be evaluated by viewers around the world. And I look forward to the production of D.★P. Season3 with a more touching story.

※ P.S. Private Cho Seokbong from season1 is alive? Yes, it was alive.

dp season 2 cast info

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